A Post-European Apocalypse. Dum Di-Gi Dum refers to an oft repeated tonguing / articulation pattern within this music
Another Eurovision Song Contest has been and gone.....
Having watched it (and the two semi-finals) it became apparent to me just how many songs (hence countries) adhere to the same characteristics.The minor key is happy (after all) & celebratory. There is a musical love affair with the "phrygian mode" and as various Euro commentators over the years have pointed out; it often helps to have a title and chorus made up of nonsense words.
This little piece is my response.....
Dum Di-Gi Dum refers to an oft repeated tonguing / articulation pattern within the music. Indeed, the piece could really be called "DumDi-Gi Dum Di-Gi Dum Pum Pum - but there is such a thing as overload......
In keeping with Eurovision rules, this piece must not succeed 3minutes duration. So get moving !